Answers to the Sierra Club's At-large Candidate questionnaire. Questions are in italics, answers in regular type. Last Questions listed first.

October 7, 2007


27. What, in your opinion, is the best way to use tax dollars so that environmental quality in the Triangle is improved?

Education of citizens of the consequences of allowing the environment to be damaged.

28. What is your position on development impact fees and other cost sharing options to pay for the incremental costs of new roads, schools and other infrastructure?

I am in favor of increased impact fees and of the land transfer tax and anything else that can help reduce the financial drain of growth can put on the City's resources.

29. Would you support increases in fines and staffing in Inspections departments to increase enforcement of the City’s environmental ordinances?

Yes, if it will decrease violations and increase the heath of the environment. Also the Planning Department needs to make sure our development plans don't lead to violating those ordinances.

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About Me

I ran for City Council because Raleigh is my home and I believe I can help it to stay the healthy, uplifting place that it is. My goal on the City Council will be: first, to help the citizens of Raleigh understand what the city is doing now and why. Second, make it easier for citizens to communicate with the city and to have that communication respected and remembered. I will strive to let Raleigh’s residents to help the city in day-to-day activities -- like running a dog park. I think this will lead to more effective and less expensive solutions to Raleigh’s problems and opportunities. BIO: I'm a native of rural eastern North Carolina, moved to Raleigh in 1975 to attend NCSU, graduated, and never left the city. I worked throughout my education. My husband and I bought our house on Monroe Drive in 1989. I started working for the News and Observer's production department in 1980 and worked there until November 2006. I have participated in numerous public service initiatives, and wish to take my expertise to the next level.